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The Consultant
The Producer

Museum Concepts

Salé, Morocco

Feasability study on an environmental educational track and museum in partnership with the Royal Foundation for the Protection of the Environment and the Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment, Department of Environment.
Client: GTZ Environmental Protection Programme PGPE, 2009


Pre-Feasibility Study preparing an interactive multimedia space on environment education
Client: GTZ Environmental Protection Project, 2009

Albrecht-Dürer-Haus, Nürnberg

Auf Anforderung der Leitung des Dürer-Museum Entwicklung eines multimedialen Museumskonzepts: Parallelinszenierung der Lebensgeschichte und der Werkgeschichte. Mit 3D-Modell und virtueller Kamerafahrt (Grafikerteam um Roland Schmutzler, München).