Julien Biere Logo
The Consultant
Author 1
The Producer
Author 2


A Life Before and After Photoshop

Julien Biere has been photographing since childhood.
His sense for imagery and visualisation was further developed during his studies of visual sociology and film. In 1973 he started producing audiovisuals for development education.

Motivated to share his knowledge with others he first wrote several brochures on grassroots production of audiovisuals, followed by three state-of-the-art textbooks on audiovisual design. Finally he set-up the audiovisual NGO "AVZ Basismedien" which later became "AV-Akademie München" training - over the years - one thousand of enthusiasts in photographic and audiovisual design, particularly the members of the German Volunteers Service DED and other aid agencies.

He was involved in numerous multi-image shows as script writer, producer and photographer. In 1995 he screened his extensive archive of slides, selected the best shots and published the PhotoArt Portfolio stock photography CD series.