Julien Biere Logo
The Consultant
Author 1
The Producer
Author 2

CD-ROM Edition

Based on his long-standing experience in analogue photography, Julien Biere soon discovered the potential of digital photography and digital media. Since 1994 he has created and published 23 CD-ROM editions.

The majority of these publications was commissioned work.
Yet he also published several CD-Publications as author or co-author:

  • The Zimbabwe Experience/Simbabwe entdecken
  • Planet der Kinder: Nauja, das Eskimokind
  • PhotoArt Portfolio, Vol. 5: People
  • PhotoArt Portfolio, Vol. 4: Objects & Symbols
  • PhotoArt Portfolio, Vol. 3: Water, Weather, Landscapes & Seasons
  • PhotoArt Portfolio, Vol. 2: Architecture & Technical Structures
  • BodyArt Portfolio (English/French)
  • BodyArt Portfolio (German)