Job History
2016, CEMAC (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Chad)
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB (German Federal Metrology Institute)Position: ICT Consultant, Producer
Task: Upgrade of CMS and optimization of webportal
Client: European Association of National Metrology Institutes EURAMET [] & Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB (German Federal Metrology Institute)Position: Trainer
Task: Training on low-cost small-media and video in-house production, Istanbul, Turkey, Mai 2015
2014 -2015, Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB (German Federal Metrology Institute)
Position: ICT consultant, producer and trainer
Task: Production of 5 video tutorials designed for online editors of the web based information and communication network for the Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions (COOMET).
2015, Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey
Client: GIZ, regional project assisting the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF)CPMF
Position: Consultant/Trainer
Task: Training of staff of national forestry administrations in communication and media production; 3 workshops in Tunisia and in Bavaria
Client: European Association of National Metrology Institutes EURAMET [] & Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB (German Federal Metrology Institute)Position: Consultant/Trainer
Task: Key speaker at seminar on awareness raising and public relations, Braunschweig Sept. 2014
2014, awas international GmbH
Client: awas international GmbH, Wasser- und AbwassertechnikPosition: Producer
Task: Development of a state-of-the-art webportal based on responsive webdesign, in German and English
2014, CEMAC (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Chad)
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB (German Federal Metrology Institute)Position: ICT Consultant, Producer, Trainer
Task: Development of an online forum and wiki for
03 -10/2014, Tunisia & Algeria
Client: GIZ Regional project "Silva Mediterranea-PCFM,
Adapting the framework for forestry policy to meet the needs of climate change in the MENA region"
Position: Communication Consultant
Task: Communication consultancy to the Tunsian National Forest Administration DGF and the Algerian National Forest Administration DGF. Training Workshops in Media Production.
2013 -2014, Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the Federal German Institute on Standards, Quality Assurance, Testing and Metrology
Position: ICT consultant, producer and trainer
Task: Development of an eLearning application within the framework of the web based information and communication network for the Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions (COOMET)
11/2012 - 02/2013, World-wide
Client: BMZ
Position: Fim producer and director
Task: Concept, direction and production of image film on Public-Private Partnership/"EZ-Scouts" programme. Full-HD, 10 min., shootings on location in Ghana, Macedonia and Germany
09/2012 - 07/2013, Tunisia
Client: GIZ Regional project "Silva Mediterranea-PCFM,
Adapting the framework for forestry policy to meet the needs of climate change in the MENA region"
Position: Communication Consultant
Task: Communication consultancy to the Tunisian National Forest Administration
11/2012 - 01/2013, Ghana (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mozambique)
Client: "African Cashew Initiative" (ACi), GIZ/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Position: Communication Consultant and Trainer
Task: Coaching & Training in Communication Strategy Development
09 - 11/2012, MENA-Region (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey)
Client: GIZ Regional project "Silva Mediterranea-PCFM,
Adapting the framework for forestry policy to meet the needs of climate change in the MENA region"
Position: ICT Consultant, Web Producer
Task: Development of a web-based communication and information platform serving regional collaboration
04/2012, Maghreb (Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia)
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB
(German Federal Metrology Institute)
Position: Trainer
Task: Training Workshop in Casablanca for webmasters of web portal
2011 - 2012, CEMAC (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Chad)
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB (German Federal Metrology Institute)Position: ICT Consultant, Producer, Trainer
Task: Development of a regional web-based communication and information platform serving the quality infrastructure (metrology, standardization, testing, certification, quality assurance) within the six members countries of CEMAC (Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale)
10/2010 - 2012, Morocco
Client: GIZ Environmental Programme Morocco PGPE. Partner: Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment.Position: Media Producer, ICT consultant
Task: Development of a Web based information tracking system for industrial and harzadous waste in Morocco.
Description [FLV, 23 Min.]
12/2008 -06/2011, Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the Federal German Institute on Standards, Quality Assurance, Testing and MetrologyPosition: ICT consultant, producer and trainer
Task: Development of a web based information and communication network for the Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions (COOMET)
04 - 08/2010, EU MEDA Region
Client: EU / GTZ International ServicesEU funded project on energy efficiency in the Mediterranean construction sector serving 10 countries. The project office is based in Cairo.
Position: Media producer, ICT consultant
Task: Development of a Web Portal using Web 2.0/Social Web technologies (opensource content management system DRUPAL), featuring a database on business contacts and funding sources.
05/2009 - 06/2011, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
Client: GTZ Project REME, the "Network of Maghreb Enterprises for the Environment"Position: Communication consultant and media producer
Task: Concept, design and production of print media, CD-ROM and a Web Portal using Web 2.0 techniques for creating a business community network, based on content management system Typo3 and ssocial web application DRUPAL.
12/2009 - 08/2010 Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the Federal German Institute on Standards, Quality Assurance, Testing and MetrologyPosition: Marketing Communication Consultant
Task: Marketing Workshop for representatives from 4 Maghreb government departments (Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia), preparing an international exhibition
12/2009 - 01/2010 European Union and EFTA Countries
Client: WELMEC Secretariat, Ljubljana, Slovenia. WELMEC is a co-operation between the legal metrology services of the Member States of the European Union and EFTA.Position: Media Producer/ICT Consultant
Task: Redesign of based on open-source content management system Typo3.
09 - 10/2009, European Union
Client: EgisAviaPosition: Media producer
Task: Concept, design and production of website for the EU TRACECA Civil Aviation Safety and Security Programme, based on content management system Typolight
02 - 10/2009, Morocco
Client: GTZ Water Programme "AGIRE"Position: Media producer
Task: Concept, design and production of website, based on content management system Typo3
12/2008 - 12/2009, Germany
Client: GTZ International Services, Ethiopian Capacity Building ProgrammePosition: Communication consultant and media producer
Concept, design and production of a new website for the Ethiopian Embassy/Consulate which should replace the current one.
07 - 12/2009, International
Client: GTZ Sector Project "Ressource Efficiency and urban/industrial environmental management"Position: Communication Consultant
Task: Elaboration of corporate design and communication strategy; contribution at "The Future of Sustainable Products and Services" conference, September 09 in Essen, organized by Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production;
Conception of an international photo contest and exhibition
06 - 07/2009, Kenya, East African Community
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the Federal German Institute on Standards, Quality Assurance, Testing and Metrology, Quality Infrastructure projectPosition: Webdesigner and trainer
Task: Typo3 resfresher course for online editors June 09 in Nairobi; optimizing the interface design and final adjustments of
2009, Morocco
Client: GTZ Environmental Programme PGPEPosition: Communication consultant
Task: Elaboration of communication strategy and communication plan for the State Secretary in charge of Water and Environment, consultancy on Intranet and Internet issues
11/2008 - 2/2009, Supraregional
Client: GTZ / BMZPosition: Media producer
Task: 4th edition of "Combating Desertification", cossmedia presentation combining a Web-ROM and website. In four languages.
12/2008 - 01/2009, Tunisia
Client: GTZPosition: Communication Consultant/Designer
Task: Pre-Feasibility Study preparing an interactive multimedia space on environment education
12/2008 - 08/2009, Morocco
Client: GTZ Integrated Water Management Programme AGIREPosition: ICT Consultant
Task: Survey on information and communication systems currently in use by regional water administration bodies; development of a prototype of an online water management database
12/2008, CIS (Commonwealth of Independant States/GUS-Staaten)
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the Federal German Institute on Standards, Quality Assurance, Testing and MetrologyPosition: Communication consultant
Task: Feasibility study for the conception of a web based information and communication network for the RMO COOMET member countries. Presentation for directors of National Metrology Institutions, Astana, Kazakhstan.
2008, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
Client: GTZPosition: Communication consultant and producer
Task: Design and production of mobile exhibition system and re-design of website for the regional environmental network REME
2007 - 2008, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
Client: PTBPosition: ICT consultant and producer
Task: Development of a Web portal with open-source Content Management System Typo3. Training of editors.
2007 - 2008, Morocco
Client: GTZPosition: Consultant and Communication Designer
Task: Design profile for Moroccan Ministry of Environment, Dep. of Water
2007, Tunisia
Client: GTZPosition: Media Producer
Task: Website, posters and flyers for the Tunisian Environmental Pact (Alliance Public - Privé pour l'Environnement APPE), based on content management system Typo3.
2006 - 2008 (11 missions), Morocco
Client: GTZ Integrated Water Management Project PRPEPosition: Communication consultant and producer
Task: Communication and information platform with Extranet, Intranet and data base development, based on content management system Typo3 plus PHP/MySQL database applications.
2006 - 2008, Morocco
Client: GTZ Environmental Programme PGPEPosition: Communication consultant and producer
Task: Promoting the new law on solid waste in promoting the new law on waste management. 22 exhibit displays comprising 110 stands, French and Arabic version. Leaflets, poster. National web portal on integrated waste management, , based on content management system Typo3.
2007, Algeria, Tunisia
Client: InWent "Telecenters" ProjectPosition: Position: Media Producer
Task: Web Portal for "Télécentres" Project, serving remote rural areas, in particular underprivileged and female population, based on content management system Typo3.
2006 - 2007, Supraregional
Client: GTZ / BMZPosition: Media producer
Task: 3rd edition of "Combating desertification", cossmedia presentation combining a Web-ROM and website. For the UNCCD COP in Madrid. In four languages.
2006, Rwanda
Client: Rwanda Bureau of StandardsPosition: Media producer
Task: Developing tailor-made tools for document management PHP/MySQL.
2005 - 2008, EU MEDA region (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey)
Client: EU / GTZ International ServicesPosition: Communication consultant and producer
Task: Regional electronic network (bilingual web portal with content management system) for the EuroMed Transport project, based on content management system Typo3.
2006 - 2007, East African Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tansania, Uganda)
Client: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the Federal German Institute on Standards, Quality Assurance, Testing and MetrologyPosition: Communication Consultant and producer
Task: Development of a regional electronic network
Development of a website for the Rwanda Bureau of Standards
Both websites created with content management system Typo3.
10/2005 - 4/2006, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco
Client: GTZPosition: Communication consultant and producer
Task: Communication strategy and regional electronic network (web portal with content management system and intranet) for REME (Network for Environmental Competitiveness in the Maghreb region), CI, print media, based on content management system Typo3.
6 - 7/2005, Burkina Faso
Client: KfWPosition: Communication consultant
Task: Mid-term review of social marketing project and pre - feasibility study
2004 - 2007
Partnership with University of Regensburg, RWTH, ETH and communal bodiesPosition: Communication consultant and conceptionist
Task: Development of multimedia visitor centre Regensburg Experience - REX
1 - 4/2005, Supraregional
Client: GTZ CCD Project / BMZPosition: Communication consultant and producer
Task: Multimedia CD-ROM for the upcoming COP of the UNCCD, development of second edition, 4 languages, 2 video documents
11 - 12/2004, Morocoo
Client: GKW Consult / KfWPosition: Communication consultant
Task: Preparing a communication plan for the waste water programme of the national water board ONEP
10/2004, Tunisia
Client: OSS - Sahara and Sahel Observatory (UNESCO)Position: Communication consultant and trainer
Task: Capacity building seminar in (media) communication and presentation
7 - 8/2004, Cape Verde
Client: CCS - SIDA, funded by World BankPosition: Social marketing expert
Task: Feasibility study for the elaboration of the national strategy of condom social marketing
7/2003, Turkey
Client: PEMPosition: Communication consultant
Task: Design concept and communication plan for a touring exhibition on behalf of BCM Bursa - Environmental Centre/Chamber of Industry of Bursa
3/2003 - 6/2004, METAP Region (Middle East and North Africa)
Client: World Bank (executing agency: GTZ IS)Position: Communication consultant
Task: Regional Solid Waste Management Project. Guidelines and training for community participation and public awareness; development and technical implementation of regional electronic network
2/2003 - 12/2003, Algeria
Client: GTZ "Integrated Environmental Programme Algeria"Position: Communication consultant and producer
Task: Development of an Internet portal on capacity building, local agenda 21, and environmental protection in the industry
4/2003 - 8/2003, Supraregional
Client: GTZ CCD Project / BMZPosition: Communication consultant and producer
Task: Development of a multimedia CD-ROM for the upcoming COP of the UNCCD
12/2002 - 3/2004, Tunisia
Client: GTZ office, TunisPosition: Media producer
Task: Production of CD-ROM (Web ROM, PDF, PowerPoint) featuring the results of the project "Promotion des Institutions Agricoles et Rurales PIAR"
5/2002 - 12/2005, Tunisia
Client: GTZ project "Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Tunisian Industry through Environmental Management" (MNE)Position: Communication consultant/Media producer
Task: In charge of all communication activities during the running time of the project, incl. PHP based Website with content management system, touring exhibition, multimedia CD and video documentary "Entreprises pilotes"
12/02 - 05/2003, Tunisia - Algeria - Morocco
Client: GTZPosition: Communication consultant and producer
Task: Communication plan, PR media, supervision for conference, publications for "Regional Conference on EU quality standards"
8 - 12/2002, Tunisia - Algeria - Lybia
Client: GTZPosition: Media producer
Task: Production of DHTML Web-ROM incl. Presentation folder on behalf of GTZ project "Assistance to OSS - Observatory of the Sahara and Sahel", Tunis
1 - 12/2002, Tunisia
Client: GTZPosition: Communication consultant/Media producer
Task: Production of print media, concept for CD-ROM and Internet Portal on behalf of GTZ project GE.O.R.E. (Integrated Water Management), Tunis
9/2001 - 6/2002, Tunisia
Client: GTZ project "Assistance to CITET (Tunis International Centre for Environmental Technologies)"Position: Communication consultant/Media producer
Task: Supporting CITET in its efforts to improve the training and upgrading of environmental specialists and to adopt a services marketing approach. Development of a bulletin, usability analysis of 3 existing website, new Web pages, presentation folder, PowerPoint presentation, posters and Web-ROM
9/2001 - 7/2002, Morocco
Client: GTZ porject "Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Moroccan Industry"Position: Communication consultant/Media producer
Task: Development, design and production of an Internet portal for the promotion of small and medium enterprises incl. CMS (Content Management System)
9/2001 - 7/2002, Chad
Client: GFA-Media/KfWPosition: Marketing communication consultant
Task: Guidelines for the development of a new social marketing condom brand.
AMASOT project
9 - 12/2001, Tunisia
Client: GTZ project "MNE - Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Tunisian Industry through Environmental Management" (MNE)Position: Communication consultant/Media producer
Task: Designing a corporate identity, developing communication strategies using a cross-media approach (print, displays, Internet)
3/2001 - 6/2002, Morocco
Client: GTZ Office Rabat and German - Moroccan Chamber of Commerce DIHK, CasablancaPosition: Communication consultant/Media producer
Task: Producing a website on bilateral cooperation projects and a website on the environmental fair and congress "EnviroMaroc2001" incl. print media
12/2000 - 12/2001, Supraregional
Client: GTZ Head-office, corporate communication departmentPosition: Multimedia producer
Task: Production of the second edition of the GTZ multimedia presentation on CD-ROM "Facts, Figures, Insights", comprising 49 project presentation from 39 countries
12/2000, Morocco
Client: GTZ project "Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Moroccan Industry"Position: ICT consultant
Task: Feasibility study on web-based information system for the Moroccan textile industry association, incl. usability study of competitors' websites
2-4/2000 & 11-12/2000, Ethiopia
Client: GTZ project "Promotion of Reproductive Health in Ethiopia" (PRHE)Position: IEC expert, Promoter
Task: Developing an innovative AIDS and reproductive health campaign: "The Walls of Hope"
5 - 7/2000, Morocco
Client: GTZ project "Protection et Conservation de l'Arganeraie" PCDA, AgadirPosition: Film producer, Multimedia producer
Task: Production of a 30 min. video documentary, CD-ROM, print and Web presentation on the Argan Biosphere Reserve for Expo 2000 Hanover
10/1999, Malawi
Client: AGEG / KfWPosition: Team-leader of KfW mission, Social marketing expert
Task: Mid-term evaluation of PSI condom social marketing project
2/1999 - 1/2000 (3 seminars), Algeria / Bonn
Client: GTZ PVUPosition: Trainer in communication, editing and DTP
Task: 3 training seminars of one, two and two weeks each, for members of Algerian Ministry of Environment: development of the first National Environmental Report, executed in Bonn
1/1999 - 8/2000, Supraregional
Client: GTZ Head-office, corporate communication departmentPosition: Multimedia producer
Task: Production of the company's first multimedia presentation on CD-ROM "25 Years GTZ", comprising 47 project presentation from 35 countries
1999 - 2000, Tunisia
Client: GTZ "Eco-Forum 2000"/Environmental Management ProjectPosition: Media producer
Task: Production of CD-ROM "Man - Technology - Nature" for CITET (Tunisian Information Centre on Environmental Technology)
2/1999, Morocco
Client: GTZ project "Protection et Conservation de l'Arganeraie" PCDA, AgadirPosition: Communication consultant
Task: Developing a communication plan for Morocco's first Biosphere Reserve; developing a marketing plan for women's Argan oil co-operatives
1998 - 1999 (2 missions), Morocco
Client: GTZ family planning project in the province of EssaouiraPosition: Communication consultant/Media producer
Task: Production of a GTZ project presentation (booklet with CD-ROM) for the community based family planning programme in Essaouira
8/1997 - 7/2001 (11 missions), Morocco
Client: GTZ project "Environmental Management"Position: Communication consultant/Media producer
Task: Assisting the newly formed Ministry for Environment. Establishing an in-house publication unit incl. re-current staff trainings, conceptual design of an "Académie de l'Environnement", design of two exhibition stands, of project presentations in print and on Multimedia CD-ROM
1998, Pakistan
Client: GFA Medica / KfWPosition: Team-leader if KfW mission, Social marketing expert
Task: Appraisal mission for micro-nutrition social marketing project
1997, Pakistan
Client: Research Department, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development - BMZPosition: Communication expert/Sociologist
Task: Field research in contraceptive social marketing (published by BMZ: Forschungsberichte Band 121, Weltforum Verlag, 1997), key area: marketing communication
6 - 9/1996 (2 missions), Tunisia
Client: GTZ household energy project in Le KefPosition: Communication consultant/Film producer
Task: Production of 2 TV spots for the promotion of energy saving stoves
6 - 9/1996 (2 missions), Mali
Client: GTZ Primary Health Care Project for 5th Province, SévaréPosition: IEC (Information - Education - Communication) expert
Task: Design of a cross-sector, cross-media malaria campaign
1992 (3 missions), Poland, CSR, New York
Client: United Nations Fund for Population Activities UNFPAPosition: Communication consultant
Task: Preparing a UNFPA Symposium on IEC (Information - Education - Communication) in Family Planning
1991, Ivory Coast
Client: GTZ animal health project at SODEPRA-Nord, KhorogoPosition: Video producer and trainer
Task: Training in production of animal health videos
1988 - 1997 Zimbabwe
Client: GTZ Family Health IEC Project at the Zimbabwean National Family PlanningCouncil ZNFPCPosition: Trainer in media production (print, radio, video)
Task: 2 missions in Harare + 4 training workshops in Munich. Media training for ZNFPC staff (project and studio managers, designers)
1980, Supraregional
Client: GTZ Head-office, German Appropriate Technology Exchange GATEPosition: Audiovisual producer
Task: Production of a multi-image audiovisual presentation on behalf of German Appropriate Technology Exchange GATE for GTZ booth at Hanover Fair
8/1980, Jamaica
Client: AV-Akademie Munich in collaboration with DED rural development projectPosition: Audiovisual producer
Task: Production of a documentary audio-visual on self-help movements in rural areas
1979, Somalia / Munich
Client: German Agro Action (DWHH/FAO)Position: Trainer in audiovisual production
Task: Audio-visual aids training programme for members of the National Extension Service of the Somali Ministry of Agriculture, executed in Munich debate:
- how to cope with changing user habits
- how to upgrade design and functional features
- how to establish a reliable and speedy internal workflow
- how to ensure sustainability of the webportal.