Julien Biere Logo
The Consultant
The Producer
Braunschweig, coomet.net
Braunschweig, coomet.net
Braunschweig, coomet.net
Nairobi, eac-quality.net
Tunis, iq-maghreb.org
Kigali, Rwanda, eac-quality.net
Kampala, Uganda, eac-quality.net

Webmaster Training

Training in Content Management

All of the recent web portals produced for clients are based on open-source content management systems Typo3 and Contao (AKA TypoLight), except two that were produced with DRUPAL. Hand in hand with the development goes the training and capacity building for webmasters and content managers. Julien Biere conducted trainings in Algiers/Algeria Braunschweig/Germany  Video Casablanca/Morocco Daressalam/Tanzania Kampala/Uganda Kigali/Ruanda Libreville/Gabon Nairobi/Kenia Rabat/Morocco, Regensburg/Germany and Tunis/Tunisia.